Light Slack wax

Light Slack Wax 10% Oil Content: Properties, Production, and Applications

Slack wax, particularly light slack wax with 10% oil content, is an essential raw material in various industrial applications. This blog delves into the properties, production process, and applications of light slack wax with 10% oil content, highlighting why Paraffin Co. is a trusted supplier of this crucial industrial product.

What is Light Slack Wax?

Light slack wax is a by-product obtained during the refining process of lubricating oil. It contains a mixture of oil and wax, and its properties are influenced by the percentage of oil content. Light slack wax with 10% oil content refers to slack wax that has 10% of its composition as oil, with the remaining 90% being wax.

Composition of Light Slack Wax

The composition of light slack wax typically includes:

Properties of Light Slack Wax 10% Oil Content

  1. Melting Point

The presence of 10% oil content in light slack wax lowers its melting point compared to fully refined paraffin wax. This makes it suitable for applications requiring a lower melting temperature.

  1. Viscosity

The oil content in light slack wax imparts a certain level of viscosity, which can be beneficial in applications such as lubrication and waterproofing.

  1. Flexibility

The combination of oil and wax in light slack wax provides a degree of flexibility, making it suitable for applications that require a pliable material.

  1. Water Resistance

Light slack wax offers good water resistance properties, making it ideal for use in moisture-proofing and waterproofing applications.

  1. Appearance

Light slack wax typically has a pale yellow to brown color, depending on the refining process and the source of the crude oil used.

Production of Light Slack Wax

The production of light slack wax involves several steps, each crucial to obtaining a high-quality product with the desired oil content.

  1. Crude Oil Distillation

The production process begins with the distillation of crude oil in refineries. During this process, crude oil is heated and separated into various fractions based on boiling points. Lubricating oil distillates are one of the fractions obtained.

  1. Solvent Dewaxing

The lubricating oil distillates are subjected to solvent dewaxing, a process that removes wax from the oil. Solvents such as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) or toluene are used to dissolve the oil, leaving behind wax crystals.

  1. Filtration and Separation

The wax crystals are then filtered and separated from the solvent-oil mixture. This results in a mixture of wax and oil, known as slack wax.

  1. Refining

The slack wax undergoes further refining to remove impurities and achieve the desired oil content. This refining process may include additional filtration, solvent extraction, and bleaching to improve the quality and appearance of the wax.

  1. Quality Control

The final light slack wax with 10% oil content is subjected to rigorous quality control testing to ensure it meets industry standards for composition, melting point, and other properties.

Applications of Light Slack Wax 10% Oil Content

Light slack wax with 10% oil content finds extensive use in various industrial applications due to its unique properties.

  1. Candle Making

One of the primary applications of light slack wax is in candle making. The lower melting point and flexibility of the wax make it ideal for producing high-quality candles with smooth finishes.


  1. Packaging

Light slack wax is used in the packaging industry for coating and impregnating materials to provide moisture resistance and enhance the durability of packaging.


  1. Rubber Industry

In the rubber industry, light slack wax is used as a processing aid and softener. It helps to improve the flexibility and workability of rubber compounds.


  1. Textile Industry

Light slack wax is used in the textile industry for sizing and finishing fabrics. It imparts a smooth finish and enhances the durability of textiles.


  1. Corrugated Board Manufacture

In the production of corrugated boards, light slack wax is used as a coating material to provide moisture resistance and enhance the strength of the boards.


  1. Wood Coating

Light slack wax is used in wood coating applications to provide moisture resistance and enhance the appearance of wood products.


  1. Polishes and Cleaners

Light slack wax is used in the formulation of polishes and cleaners for various surfaces. It provides a protective coating and enhances the shine of surfaces.


  1. Lubricants

In the lubrication industry, light slack wax is used as a component in lubricating oils and greases. It helps to reduce friction and wear in machinery and equipment.


Advantages of Light Slack Wax 10% Oil Content

Light slack wax with 10% oil content offers several advantages for industrial applications:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

Light slack wax is a cost-effective material compared to fully refined waxes. Its lower production cost makes it an attractive option for various industrial applications.

  1. Versatility

The unique properties of light slack wax make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from candle making to lubrication and packaging.

  1. Ease of Processing

Light slack wax is easy to process and can be blended with other materials to achieve specific properties required for different applications.

  1. Environmental Benefits

Using slack wax, a by-product of the oil refining process, contributes to waste reduction and promotes sustainable practices in the industry.

Disadvantages of Light Slack Wax 10% Oil Content

While light slack wax has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages:

  1. Lower Purity

Light slack wax may contain impurities and has a lower purity compared to fully refined waxes. This can affect the quality of the final products.

  1. Color and Odor

The presence of oil and impurities in light slack wax can result in a yellowish color and a distinct odor, which may not be suitable for certain applications.

  1. Variable Properties

The properties of light slack wax can vary depending on the source of the crude oil and the refining process. This variability can affect the consistency and performance of the wax in specific applications.

Future Prospects of Light Slack Wax

The future prospects of light slack wax in the industry are promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at enhancing its properties and expanding its applications. Potential future prospects include:

  1. Advanced Formulations

Researchers are exploring advanced formulations that combine light slack wax with other materials to create more effective and versatile products.

  1. Sustainable Alternatives

There is a growing interest in developing sustainable and eco-friendly light slack wax products that minimize environmental impact and reduce reliance on petroleum-based raw materials.

  1. Nanotechnology

The application of nanotechnology in the formulation of light slack wax is being explored to enhance its properties and performance.

  1. Customization

The development of customized light slack wax products tailored to specific industrial applications and requirements is an emerging trend in the industry.

Why Paraffin Co. is a Trusted Supplier for Light Slack Wax?

Paraffin Co. is a renowned supplier of high-quality light slack wax with 10% oil content, trusted by various industries. Here are some reasons why Paraffin Co. stands out as a reliable supplier:

  1. Quality Assurance

Paraffin Co. ensures stringent quality control measures to deliver light slack wax that meets the highest industry standards. Their products are tested for purity, stability, and performance.

  1. Extensive Experience

With years of experience in the wax industry, Paraffin Co. has the expertise to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients.

  1. Competitive Pricing

Paraffin Co. offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Their pricing structure is designed to cater to the needs of both small and large-scale clients.

  1. Reliable Supply Chain

Paraffin Co. has a robust supply chain network that ensures timely delivery of products, maintaining a steady supply for various industrial applications.

  1. Customer Support

Paraffin Co. is committed to providing excellent customer support, assisting clients with their specific requirements and ensuring their satisfaction.


Light slack wax with 10% oil content is a versatile and valuable material in various industrial applications. Its unique properties, including a lower melting point, flexibility, and water resistance, make it suitable for applications such as candle making, packaging, rubber processing, and lubrication.

While light slack wax has some disadvantages, its advantages far outweigh them, making it a preferred choice in many industries. The future prospects of light slack wax look promising, with ongoing research and development aimed at enhancing its properties and expanding its applications.

Paraffin Co. stands out as a trusted supplier of high-quality light slack wax with 10% oil content, providing tailored solutions, competitive pricing, and reliable customer support. Their commitment to quality and sustainability makes them the go-to source for light slack wax in various industries.


You can Read More about this product Here: Light Slack Wax


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